Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reflection about “A Lesson Before Dying”

This book was a hit in my opinion. It grabbed my attention with every page that I turned. This book was about a man who was wrongfully accused of killing a white man. I feel as if the samething is happening in today’s society. Were young black men are being accused of doing crimes and getting the worst of if. When Jefferson was sentenced i felt a sense of ignorance because he was weongfully accused and while he was being accused Jefferson would be called a hog. This name calling would stick with Jefferson and it stuck with me to because I would think at my prosecution my lawyer would call me a hog. I would feel disgraced to. Thats why I think Jefferson was so cold-hearted at the beginning of his sentence. Jeffersoj thought that he was a nobody not knowing that many people cared for and loved Jefferson.
In the second half of the book(15-31) if really opened my eyes on how prejudiced Caucasian s were back in that time period. They treated Ms.Emma, Grant, Jefferson, and Tante Lou all with distespect. Of course back in that time Caucasians were the top dogs so blacks did not make that much money so Caucasians felt as though they were surperior to blacks and any other race for that matter. I really admired Grants love toward Vivian though he made Vivian feel special and he was always all eyes for her even though she was separated from her husband and had kids. Nowadays if a man finds out that a woman has kids or was even in a past relationship he would just look the other way. I found out it real suspicious that they scheduled Jefferson’s execution only 2 weeks after easter. If the government really cared about how people would feel about it he would wait at least a little bit more time than just two weeks. But overall this was an amazing book and it really caught my attention.