Sunday, September 16, 2018

Comparison Between "Infant Sorrow" and " Infant Joy"

Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow are both about a child being born in the world but being looked at differebtly. In Infant Joy the author focuses on the positive perspective of child's birth. Repetition is used throughout Infant Joy to emphasize that the child is full of inncence and promise.
Infant Sorrow focuses on how an inncocent child is born into a bad world. In the first stanza the mother and father are weeping because the child is born into a hateful and dangerous world. Tje child sulked upon its mothers breast becaue it felt it had no other hope.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Analysis of Psalm 91

   This Psalm was very intriguing to me. I felt like I can relate to it. In the first four verses basically it was talking about how God is your protector and as long as you follow him he will protect you. One of the themes I picked was "If one serves under god he will serve you." Meaning that all you have to do is admit that God is your lord and savior and believe and have faith then yiu wiol be saved.
    Some symbolism that was used in the Psalm was wings, feathers, lion and, dragon. The wings and feathers represent a shield this shield is essential. It protects us it keeps all of the evil out and the blessings come in. The lion that is stated in verse 13 can be compared to the devil. I think it could mean something good though. I think that this verse means that if you accept God all good will trample evil. Basically meaning all good will overcome evil.