Sunday, March 11, 2018

Reflection on “The Rockpile”

     The Rockpile was a hit! It caught my attention because it almost sounds like a real life story with real-life situations. It really confused me how Gabriel was mad at John, who is his real son, for following rules. Roy should have never been disobedient and he would have never gotten hurt like he did. Roy caused more trouble than he should have. This teaches a life lesson that one should listen to their parents and be obedient. They are saying it for a reason, to keep one safe, because know the right thing to do. They have been through most stuff us kids and teenager go through.
    But all in all the story was good it started off a little boring but the, as it progressed it, it became more and more intriguing. The comparison the it made to the little boy that drowned really caught my attention. Because I had two friends that died from drowning. I felt some sympathy for Roy and John. I felt sympathy for Roy because if I were him I would feel bad because, he got his brother in trouble. I felt sympathy for John because his own father was troubling him for something he didn't even do. He obeyed the rules his brother did not so he got in trouble. This story really appealed to me, it caught my attention a lot cause I could relate to it.

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