Friday, October 12, 2018

Reflection of King Lear Scene 2 and 3

Scene 2: I feel as though scene 2 was very confusing but good. Edmund, Gloucester's real sln, was very deceiving. I felt as though  he tried to set up Edgar. I think he's jealous because he can't inherit King Lear's riches by inheritance so he will set it uo so he will be in position to get it. I didnt like how he tried to mess up Edgar's relationship  with his father.

Scene 3: This scene is very short it only consisted of a conversation of King Lear's daughter Goneril. I feel like tjis scene didnt leas up to it's potential because the scene before it had a lot of dialogue it had a "purpose", scene 3 really didnt have a purpose it was just a simple conversation

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Comparison Between "Infant Sorrow" and " Infant Joy"

Infant Joy and Infant Sorrow are both about a child being born in the world but being looked at differebtly. In Infant Joy the author focuses on the positive perspective of child's birth. Repetition is used throughout Infant Joy to emphasize that the child is full of inncence and promise.
Infant Sorrow focuses on how an inncocent child is born into a bad world. In the first stanza the mother and father are weeping because the child is born into a hateful and dangerous world. Tje child sulked upon its mothers breast becaue it felt it had no other hope.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Analysis of Psalm 91

   This Psalm was very intriguing to me. I felt like I can relate to it. In the first four verses basically it was talking about how God is your protector and as long as you follow him he will protect you. One of the themes I picked was "If one serves under god he will serve you." Meaning that all you have to do is admit that God is your lord and savior and believe and have faith then yiu wiol be saved.
    Some symbolism that was used in the Psalm was wings, feathers, lion and, dragon. The wings and feathers represent a shield this shield is essential. It protects us it keeps all of the evil out and the blessings come in. The lion that is stated in verse 13 can be compared to the devil. I think it could mean something good though. I think that this verse means that if you accept God all good will trample evil. Basically meaning all good will overcome evil.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Readers Profile

I have many strengths and weaknesses when it comes to reading. Some of my strengths are reading speed and being able to comprehend the text. My weaknesses are being easily distracted and not staying focused if the story is not that interesting. One of my biggest weaknesses is procrastinating, I often put off reading because I'll tell myself I will do it tomorrow and so forth. Reading plays a major role for me because it helps me see the different perspective that of the author and the main character. Also it helps built my vocabulary because I am going to stumble upon a word I do not know when I read. Being able to connect what I have just read to something that I have read in the past is another big role reading plays in my education. I am very passionate when it comes to reading because ,I am able to paint a picture of what I have read in my head. Which helps me better understand the story at hand. My peeves about reading are sometimes I am not able to fully comprehend the story because of how it is written or some of the word usage, also I don't like when a story is all over the place like it doesn't really have a starting point.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

“Worn Path” Reflection

Phoenix was a courageous selfless black woman v. Phoenix willingly took a long journey in order to help her grandson. This story teaches a lot about character and helping others in the time of need. This story was also a good motivator to keep being persistent. The way that Phoenix helps her grandson really moves and touches me cause she does it without nobody asking her she she just knew it was the right thing to do. Phoenix symbolizes how women are today. Strong, loving, caring, all of these are traits of how women act today
     Although she wanted  to stop, she kept moving on because, she knew that her grandson son was sick and that he needed her. She kept pushing and pushing until she arrived to her destination. Phoenix was persisten and full of fight and had a never quit attitude all for the love of her grandson. Some of Phoenixes wncounters surprised me because the way she is portrayed is as not the type of person to be able to push past those obstacles. I find it amazing that amazing that an old woman could walk that far without any help. This story was an inspirational way of being persistent.

Reflection on “The Rockpile”

     The Rockpile was a hit! It caught my attention because it almost sounds like a real life story with real-life situations. It really confused me how Gabriel was mad at John, who is his real son, for following rules. Roy should have never been disobedient and he would have never gotten hurt like he did. Roy caused more trouble than he should have. This teaches a life lesson that one should listen to their parents and be obedient. They are saying it for a reason, to keep one safe, because know the right thing to do. They have been through most stuff us kids and teenager go through.
    But all in all the story was good it started off a little boring but the, as it progressed it, it became more and more intriguing. The comparison the it made to the little boy that drowned really caught my attention. Because I had two friends that died from drowning. I felt some sympathy for Roy and John. I felt sympathy for Roy because if I were him I would feel bad because, he got his brother in trouble. I felt sympathy for John because his own father was troubling him for something he didn't even do. He obeyed the rules his brother did not so he got in trouble. This story really appealed to me, it caught my attention a lot cause I could relate to it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reflection about “A Lesson Before Dying”

This book was a hit in my opinion. It grabbed my attention with every page that I turned. This book was about a man who was wrongfully accused of killing a white man. I feel as if the samething is happening in today’s society. Were young black men are being accused of doing crimes and getting the worst of if. When Jefferson was sentenced i felt a sense of ignorance because he was weongfully accused and while he was being accused Jefferson would be called a hog. This name calling would stick with Jefferson and it stuck with me to because I would think at my prosecution my lawyer would call me a hog. I would feel disgraced to. Thats why I think Jefferson was so cold-hearted at the beginning of his sentence. Jeffersoj thought that he was a nobody not knowing that many people cared for and loved Jefferson.
In the second half of the book(15-31) if really opened my eyes on how prejudiced Caucasian s were back in that time period. They treated Ms.Emma, Grant, Jefferson, and Tante Lou all with distespect. Of course back in that time Caucasians were the top dogs so blacks did not make that much money so Caucasians felt as though they were surperior to blacks and any other race for that matter. I really admired Grants love toward Vivian though he made Vivian feel special and he was always all eyes for her even though she was separated from her husband and had kids. Nowadays if a man finds out that a woman has kids or was even in a past relationship he would just look the other way. I found out it real suspicious that they scheduled Jefferson’s execution only 2 weeks after easter. If the government really cared about how people would feel about it he would wait at least a little bit more time than just two weeks. But overall this was an amazing book and it really caught my attention.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Hi! If you have been assigned a task then you should take that task vey seriously. Im sorry that he is passing but you should be considerate and sincere. This person is going to pass soon so might as well make them good about themselves before their passing. She