Thursday, January 31, 2019

Reflection of Today's Reading and Journal Entry

Reflection : Today we met Shug Avery she I interpreted that she is an alcoholic. When she was introduced she was being rude and she was slurring her words, stumbling, and could barely walk. She is sick though so she may not be in her right mind. Once Shug Avery sibered uo and warmed up to Celie she started to treat her nicer, even though their first meeting did not go as Celie planned. Mr. is still trying to do whatever he can to please Shug Avery, so he put  Celie in charge of  her.

Journal Entry: Today was an up and down day. It started off okay then it gradually started going downhill. It all started going downhill when it was time to take senior pictures. I got into a verbal altercation with a teacher that could have been avoided. Then, when it was yime to take senior pictures I literally had nowhere to sit. So when I finally found me spot it took them forever to take the picture. I was ready to go already. Then after that it was game time. I had a decent game. I didn't really score to much but J played some really good defense and rebounded the ball really well. Today was really a Rollercoaster ride

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reflection of Reading/Journal Entry

Mr. finds out that Shug Avery is coming into town and goes all out the way to impress her. After awhile he started coming home very depressed, not working as hard as Celie does in the field. Harpo also complains to his father that Sofia doesn’t listen anything he says. Mr. and Celie advice was to beat Sofia. But due to Sofia having being strong mentally and physically she fights back unlike Sofia.

I was sick today. I woke feeling like a pile of poop lol. So I slept most of the day. Around noon time I woke up and fed my  puppies that we are selling. Thsy are so cute. It is 2 boys and 2 girls. After that, I fixed me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I have not eatren that soup in yeats it tasted so funny to me. It helped me recover enough before I could  go to practice. I had an okay practice couldn't really get my feel for the ball, I play basketball by the way, but other than that my overall day was okay I was sad I missed school. I missed all of my friends.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Journal Entry

My weekend was alright for the most part. I went to work saturday from 4-11 and I played lazer tag with the kids. I also found out one of my co-workers was fired😱. Sunday  was kinda the same. Went to work from 1-8 and finished up on some homework.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Reflection of The Color Purple and Journal Entry

What we read today was kind of shocking to me the book is starting to unfold more as we arr getting to the rising action of the plot in the book. Mr. wants Nettie but cant get her because she is fresh and Fonso wanted to keep her for hisself.

Today we had a basketball game against the Baldwin County Tigers. We beat them by at least 15 points. The whole team played good in the first quarter the score was 21-2 we thought it was going to be a blowout early but by the time we got to the second quarter we were tired and we let them get back into the game.We finally got ourselves  together towards the end and pulled away again. Stats: 12 points 6 assists 8 rebounds  2 blocks

The Color Purple Letters 1-8

My Class started the book The Color Purple today. I do not know how i feel about it yet but from what we have read I can make the assumption that it is going to be a good a good book. I can tell it emphasizes about African American culture back in old times.

Day1: I had an okay day at school. I met Rodney Hudson. He plays center for the Oakland Raiders. When I met him it was kind of awkward because he is the same size as me. He is also going in the Hall of Fame at the Reese's Senior Bowl this weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Short Story 

       It was a normal day at Galliard elementary school except for in Mr. Rease's pre-k class. it all started when Antonio and Lucy made a play dough monster. all of the other kids thought it looked disgusting due to its different sized eyes, unfamiliar head shape, and its gloomy formed teeth. even though the monster they created seemed weird, the kids decided to give it a name: Edwardo. however, Jonathan put the icing on the cake by adding a special booger making the toy play dough monster, Edwardo, come to life. once recess was over, the kids came back inside not expecting the monster to be there. the kids shouted with fear and tried to run out but the door, all of a saddened becomes jammed leaving them stuck inside with the horrible monster. with a look of suspense, Mr. Rease returned to the room to see all of his students gone with Antonio's glasses still on the floor. Edwardo ate the children leaving Mr. Rease with calling for help to locking up the hideous monster. FOR LIFE.

Poem About the Monster

Why am I here?
Why am I here?
Is it a choice of neglect?
Why are the kids instilled with fear?
Is it because of human regret?
Since then of my creation. 
I did not understand my purpose.
Which then triggered my frustration.
Which led the children into being nervous.
With my hideous looks and furious hunger. 
My sense of starvation began to rise.
I snuck into their classroom eating and killing the younger.
Leading me to shock when everyone dies.
I don't know how to feel 
I don't know why I am here
which causes me to kill
ending my life yet severe.

Poem To The Monster

Edwardo the Monster
all kids play with play dough, 
but on a particular day they created a monster named, Edwardo.
he had a small right eye, but a huge left eye,
which made one think, did my kids give the monster a stye.
He had scars and hideous teeth, 
coming from the kids kicking him around the tree,
in that moment I seen fire in his eyes,
Which I felt that I may have to tell my kids goodbye.
He always gave me a weird vibe,
which explained his anger inside,
later on in the darkness of my home,
maybe I could've been tripping,
until I heard covers ripping,
The kids did a loud scream,
which made my ears ring,
I had no idea that my life would take this path, 
all I seen in the closet were my kids scraps.