Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reflection of Reading/Journal Entry

Mr. finds out that Shug Avery is coming into town and goes all out the way to impress her. After awhile he started coming home very depressed, not working as hard as Celie does in the field. Harpo also complains to his father that Sofia doesn’t listen anything he says. Mr. and Celie advice was to beat Sofia. But due to Sofia having being strong mentally and physically she fights back unlike Sofia.

I was sick today. I woke feeling like a pile of poop lol. So I slept most of the day. Around noon time I woke up and fed my  puppies that we are selling. Thsy are so cute. It is 2 boys and 2 girls. After that, I fixed me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I have not eatren that soup in yeats it tasted so funny to me. It helped me recover enough before I could  go to practice. I had an okay practice couldn't really get my feel for the ball, I play basketball by the way, but other than that my overall day was okay I was sad I missed school. I missed all of my friends.

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